Half-a-day to two days depending on your required outcomes
In-house: Live remote or your office
Training Dates
Client's preferred dates
Contact us - option to use your apprenticeship levy for a year's programme
Equality & diversity is a way of life not just legal legislation. Learning the Equality Act and how you should conduct yourself in the work place is important.
Additionally, our bespoke Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) training course, through interactive teaching, brings to life the benefits of fully embracing diversity and equality for staff, the business and your customers.
Are your staff aware they could be made to pay large amounts of money because one of their staff was not treated with equality? Do they understand what equality and diversity mean?
Untrained supervisors and managers often do not realise what they are doing is wrong and that they and the company are liable to pay an unlimited amount in compensation. Training in equality and diversity can help to ensure equality takes place in the workplace and reduce the company's liability.
Our equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging training course normally starts by getting participants to appreciate how they see situations through various 'filters' they have developed through their lifetime. This is a fun and challenging activity that enables them to see how we all see things differently and naturally develop prejudices. This helps participants to generate an open mind to the subjects that follow and seeing the need for change.
An interactive, pragmatic diversity and inclusion course will help participants understand the importance of equality and how apply it at work. We achieve this by using activities that help participants appreciate that everyone is different and to recognise, value and respect the differences. We then use case quizzes, case studies and a workbook to help participants understand the Equality Act and what it means to them and their company.
Our equality and diversity training is participative, practical and informative; presented in an outgoing, informal and relaxed style. We aim to stimulate participant interest and cater for a range of learning styles and behaviours.
All staff, some organisation run separate courses for supervisors and managers.
By the end of the equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging training course, delegates will be able to...
- appreciate the need to see how others see issues, which may be different from how we see them
- understand prejudices and discrimination
- appreciate the difference between diversity and equality
- understand the law on equality in the workplace
- carry out selection interviews without asking the 'wrong' questions
- identify different types and possible effects of harassment and discrimination
- deal effectively with bullying and harassment
- apply an equality approach to their job
- appreciate how a best practice approach to diversity can benefit the company.
Diversity and inclusion are parts of the Operations / Departmental Manager Level 5 apprenticeship standard, Team Leader / Supervisor Level 3 apprenticeship standard, Business Administrator Level 3 apprenticeship standard and Associate Project Manager Level 4 apprenticeship standard, hence when delivered as part of these apprenticeships, you can utilise your apprenticeship levy to cover your Learning and Development (L&D) investment. See our apprenticeship overview for more information on this cost effective way to invest in your organisation's diversity and inclusion skills.

More Information
Equality and Diversity Example Workbook
Graeme Jones
Head of Training Services
Elite Training European Ltd
3 Parkers Place
Martlesham Heath
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 3290 1473
Email: training@elitetraining.co.uk
About us
- For 25 years we've been delivering excellent bespoke business, management and personal development skills training courses to organisations, including businesses, public sector and not for profit across the UK and EMEA.
- Our trainers enhance the learning experience with our high energy, results driven, interactive approach, both in the classroom or through live remote training.
- Experiential learning with business games and training materials help participants acquire essential knowledge and skills through active, self-reflective engagement and enable them to remember the key learning points.
- Training Courses: Skilled and experienced trainers that develop and understand your needs and deliver enjoyable, tailored and cost-effective in-house training.
- Business Games: Fun and realistic, sold worldwide to use over and over again for quality development.
- Team Building: Injecting training expertise, real-life examples and fun to draw out key learnings.
- Coaching: Results driven executive and business coaching, creating environments where people develop and thrive, improving performance.
- Development Programmes: Tailored and bespoke programmes, developing and inspiring leaders, supporting strategic objectives and business change.
- Apprenticeship Standards: Utilise your apprenticeship levy for Level 5 Operations / Departmental Manager and Level 3 Team Leader / Supervisor, designed to your unique requirements.
- Your choice of in-person or remote learning and development.
Here are some of our customers who appreciate our experience in training and enjoyed our courses and business games:
Testimonials from the Equality and Diversity Course
“Great insightful course. Group discussions and working was beneficial to my understanding of the types of discrimination and protected characteristics. I will use these in my area of work.” A. Mayle - Potter Raper Partnership
“Fun, friendly, made the day enjoyable which helped me to learn and understand.”J. Tummcliff – Nuffield Healthcare
If you are interested in finding out more about our bespoke diversity and equality skills course for organisations, please fill out the form.
We design and deliver interactive tailored training courses, from one-to-ones, to larger groups, usually in-house, tailored to business' unique requirements. We don’t run open public, online or distance learning courses.
To tailor diversity and equality training, please call us on:
+44 (0) 20 3290 1473
Elite Training will not pass your contact details on to any third parties, and will only contact you in relation to your enquiries.